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* Promote a Local Event Etc.*

To Promote an event or occasion etc. however big or small i.e. fete, school play, charity event, missing person, looking for a lost friend, stolen items, birthday party, wedding, retirement, thank you message, car boot sale,
lost pet etc. free of charge.
Simply E-mail the information to us
at Ask-Taff and the details will be places in our Local area section for
all our visitors to read.

If trying to find a missing person, supply as much information as
possible, the information will be
posted throughout the site aswell
as your local area.

If advertising a private occasion it is advised that details of location,
times or telephone numbers are
not included, an E-mail address can
be given to allow contact for further details:-

Please give plenty of notice:-

And be sure to include the following,
if applicable.

1. Location of event. (Your Town or Village will be added to our Local
Area section plus to our list of
maps, if  not already listed). If event
is to be held in an isolated area  
please try to include the distance to
the largest local town  with bus services and main roads to and
from the event.

2. Are there any facilities for the disabled.

3. Cost of Parking. (State free parking
if no charge)

4. Any refreshments available.

5. If an admission charge, cost, and any concessions.

6. If event has a web site include

7. If organisers can be contacted by
E-mail please include there details.

When your event has been posted an
E-mail will be sent informing you of
this so please include a contact
E-mail address/addresses. We shall also credit you with supplying the information, if you agree.

If possible kindly inform us when the event has passed or changed etc. in order that the information can be removed. A description of how the occasion passed, thanks to guests
etc. can be posted if relevant information supplied.


At present we are only able to work on
material written in English. However should
your event be solely for the Welsh speaking community please E-mail the text (in HTML format) exactly as you wish it to appear and
we will be glad to paste the content directly
onto the Ask-Taff web site.

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